How do I get my TIN?

comment obtenir un nif

In order to obtain a TIN (Tax Identification Number) in Portugal, it is necessary to have an address in Portugal. However, in order to obtain an address, it is often necessary to have a home. This can seem like a vicious circle that makes the procedure difficult. To get out of this impasse, several options are available:

1. the European residence certificate

  1. Go to a Loja do Cidadão to obtain a European residence certificate;
  2. Then go to Finanças to obtain a provisional NIF;
  3. Use this provisional NIF to buy or rent a home in Portugal;
  4. Once you have obtained your accommodation and address in Portugal, return to the nearest Loja do Cidadão to obtain a Portuguese residence certificate;
  5. Finally, return to the Finanças to apply for a definitive NIF by presenting your residence certificate.

2. A lawyer

It is also possible to pay a lawyer in Portugal who can create your NIF.

It is possible that a lawyer can be appointed as a tax representative to help you obtain a TIN, but this requires prior arrangements and specific agreements between the lawyer and the client. In any case, it is advisable to check the fees and payment terms carefully before entering into an agreement with a lawyer on this matter.

3. be represented by a third party

If you are not resident in Portugal for tax purposes, you can ask someone who is to represent you.

This fiscal representative will go to the Finanças (Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira) so that you can obtain a provisional NIF, which will allow you to conclude the purchase or rental of your property in Portugal. To obtain this NIF, you will need to provide the following documents: a valid passport, proof of residence in your country of origin (invoices, etc.) and the deed of appointment of your fiscal representative in Portugal.

Once you have obtained your provisional TIN, you can buy or rent your property in Portugal. Once you have your address in Portugal, you can go to your nearest Loja do Cidadão to get your definitive Portuguese Tax Identification Number.

4. Online TIN application

The application for a tax identification number (TIN) is now available online. The measure, taken by the tax and customs administration, was prompted by the exceptional situation caused by COVID-19.

Foreign citizens no longer need to go to a tax office to apply for NIF. Therefore, as long as the exceptional situation persists, NIF applications of foreign citizens are made via the e-Balcão (E-Desk) by a fiscal representative (citizen residing in Portugal).

The NIF application for babies, since the Citizen Birth Spaces have been suspended, can also be made online at e-Balcão (E-Desk).

In conclusion

A foreign person, resident or non-resident in Portugal, who works and pays taxes in Portugal must have a Tax Identification Number (NIF).

In the case of children and young people, the TIN is needed for health and education expenses, for example, which parents can include in their income tax return.

Documents needed

To apply for the TIN, you need the following documents:

  • Resident in Portugal - civil identification document of the country of origin or passport* and residence permit;
  • Non-resident in Portugal - identity document or passport* and have a fiscal representative (individual or collective) residing in the national territory;
  • Child without passport - proof of birth.

It is crucial to obtain a NIF if you are planning to settle in Portugal. This may sound like an exaggeration, but it is actually one of the most important administrative steps to take, if not the first. Of course, there will be other steps to take, but this one is essential.

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